Saturday, January 4, 2014

Whoops. . . Happy Late Birthday!

Whoops! It's been two years >>.

Well, anyway, the site is now six years old, and sadly I haven't changed enough to say exactly what I said last post back in 2012. In case you're wondering, it's all still true; this blogger still holds a lot of nostalgia and memories. Hopefully I'll actually remember on it's seventh birthday this year...

Also, the only reason I ended up stopping here is because I suddenly got curious to see how much I've changed... well that, and to show a more recent friend of mine to show how much I've grown up.

~Happy Hacking!

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Happy Birthday .Swf Links!

Yay! It's really late again! But seriously, I don't really care how many people do (not) come here. But for old times sake, I'll still post here mostly for old times sake or whenever I happen to get back into posting Swf Links. Luckily I've yet to forgot how to get them.

So, it's now five years old as of September 17. It's nice to look back and see how much I've changed over the years. Really it's quite surprising how much changes in just five years.

Well hope you enjoy this site despite it's lack of being updated. Cya later.

~Happy Hacking!

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Guest Counter

I just added a guest counter purely out of curiosity.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas and Happy Birthday!

Merry Christmas and Happy Birthday! I hope you had a Merry Christmas today! Well mine was good. Got quite a few things, and most importantly, I got what I asked for! I got manga, three NDS games, and a hell load of books (Inheritance Cycle: Inheritance being one of them).

Also, this blog has reached four years old (yes, I know it's late)! I may not use it too much from time-to-time, but I truly love this place! I probably will never actually "quit" this, so just pray that something is updated from at least time-to-time.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

~New!~ Raze 2

Sidescrolling game similar to Unreal Flash. And, of course, the sequel of the first Raze.

~Happy Hacking!

Friday, September 16, 2011

~New!~ Murloc RPG 2: Episode 1

Finally! A sequel to Murloc RPG! You can now export/inport saves, which is a nice addition.

~Happy Hacking!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

~New!~ Kingdom Rush

a Defense RTS. Personally I love these types.

~Happy Hacking!